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Why Should You opt for Dental Implants?

Why Should You opt for Dental Implants?

Although there are now many alternatives for dental rehabilitation due to developments in technology, it wasn’t the same before. Dentures, bridges, or choosing not to replace lost teeth were the only replacement alternatives.

While dentures have been known to come loose since they are not always stable. Due to the gradual loss of bone in the upper and lower jaws, they could not be worn overnight and needed to be replaced every few years. Furthermore, partial dentures are known to weaken the healthy teeth that support the dentures.

Long-lasting solutions became more and more in demand with patients and helped in the betterment of Dental Implants.

Some Reasons You Should Opt for Dental Implants

  • Dental implants are practical and unobtrusive.
  • Unlike dentures, you are not required to remove them for cleaning or before sleeping.
  • While halting future bone degradation, implants’ natural shape and positioning can assist maintain facial structure.
  • Dental implants look natural and have a strong grip.
  • Dental implants are a substantial and long-lasting investment in your oral health and personal wellbeing.

Okay, But How to Go for A Dental Implant?

We’ll determine whether you qualify for dental implants.

Dental implants are an excellent option for many toothless persons. One of the primary requirements for eligibility is general oral health. Dental implants may fail due to oral infections, which could harm nearby teeth, facial bones, or one’s general health.

An implant may be a good solution for some patients after a thorough evaluation of the patient. To promote a successful outcome, we’ll evaluate patients and create a thorough post-implant implantation maintenance plan. The strategy could involve oral care, periodontal therapy, or other types of gum treatments.

The pre-existing medical conditions we’ll talk about with you include some of the following:

  • Smoking.
  • Severe periodontitis.
  • Chronic diseases that are uncontrolled e.g., Diabetes, cancer, cardiac problems, bone problems like osteopenia, and osteoporosis.

Dental implants’ price and insurance

Though Dental implants may be completely or partially covered by some insurance carriers, dental implants can still be pricey and we’ll make a plan according to your insurance.

Creating a dental implant treatment strategy

After reviewing your medical history and dental condition, we will develop a thorough treatment plan that meets your needs.

Treatment for gum disease or the extraction of a few teeth could be a part of the strategy. When teeth are lost or removed, the jawbone is also lost, and implants need strong, healthy jawbones. As a result, X-rays are used to examine how much bone you have in your upper and lower jaws and determine whether a bone graft is necessary for treatment planning.

Additionally, the radiographic and anatomical placement of the jaw’s nerves is crucial because, if there is not enough bone in the jaw, it may suffer damage during implant surgery.

We may do a bone graft procedure to assist retain the implant in place if you have lost a significant amount of jawbone. In order to do this, we’ll take molds of your teeth and jaw to determine the best locations for fresh crown implantation. For a seamless appearance, we’ll also match the color of your new teeth to that of your original teeth.

Commencing the dental implant process

This is a lengthy process that takes several weeks to months to complete. Each patient will experience a different number of procedures and treatment duration. Before receiving anesthesia or having a procedure, discuss with the dental team any precautions you need to take about drugs or dietary supplements.

On the day of the treatment, we will remove the present teeth and, if required, perform a bone graft. Bone grafts can be made from your own body or a xenograft, which is cadaver bone, that has undergone thorough processing. Depending on how much bone is required, we may extract bone from your hip, jaw, or chin if we use a graft from your body.

Your implants at Titanium Dental and Implants are placed by expert surgeons in the field of dental implants. Small grafts may occasionally be implanted at the same time as the implant. Normally, it takes four to six months after the graft has been implanted for enough healthy bone to grow to sustain the implant.

After that time has passed, the surgeon will drill into the newly produced bone to attach the dental implant post, which replaces the root of a tooth. To make the manufacturing and installation of the crown simple, an abutment, a metal spacer, is attached to the implant.

Titanium, a substance that will connect with bone through osseointegration, is used to make the post and abutment. It can take several months for the gum to heal around the abutment and for the implant and bone to solidify into a stable foundation for your new tooth. The new prosthetic tooth will then be secured to the abutment.

Continue to take care of your new teeth

For your implants and your smile to remain healthy, follow-up care is crucial. We will work with you to solve difficulties that arise and attempt to prevent possible problems through routine dental checkups.

You will maintain regular dental hygiene, which includes brushing, flossing, and scheduling an immediate appointment with the dentist if you experience changes or pain.


You may live, speak, eat, and smile with more confidence if you have dental implants. Our knowledgeable team at Titanium Dental and Implants will assist you in realizing the financial and personal benefits of this significant investment.

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