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Family Dentistry Services in Fort Worth, Tx

Comprehensive & Tailored Treatment Plan

Comprehensive & Tailored Treatment Plan


Treating people as individuals is not a new concept but it is one that we don’t think gets applied often enough.

With a personalized treatment plan, our dental team can cater dental care to fit your comfort levels. For example, we can discuss possible dental sedation to ensure you feel completely comfortable and relaxed during your treatment. A dentist who creates a customized plan takes your lifestyle, smile goals, overall health, comfort levels, and budget into account when treating your smile. Comprehensive treatment plan provides big-picture approach to your oral and overall health.

Tooth Colored Restorations/Fillings


Dental filling is the most widely done dental procedure in dentistry. It used to be silver amalgam but tooth colored composite restorations are new normal.

This is the most under-rated procedure because you can stop the decay by doing just a filling. It prevents the decay getting bigger and avoids root canal or extraction. Dental decay is the major cause of teeth getting removed and it can be prevented by timely diagnosing and treating those cavities when they are small by just doing simple fillings. If you think its been a while, get your teeth checked and rule out any fillings you may need.

tooth colored restorations
crowns and veneers

crowns & veneers


A picture-perfect smile just needs picture-perfect crowns. Crowns are meant to be protectors of teeth but they are widely used for smile design as well.

If you grind your teeth, have a big decay on your tooth or you just broke off a tooth; Crowns are there to save your day. They need to be made and cemented skillfully otherwise they may cause secondary decay at the margins. We use best quality lab and advanced technology like Intra-oral scanners to get high quality impressions and long lasting crowns. We offer gold, porcelain-metal and full porcelain customized teeth colored crowns.

root canal treatments


“Root Canal”- That must be the scariest word you may have heard sitting on a dental chair according to most people.

THAT IS NOT TRUE! Root Canal Treatment is nothing but a routine dental procedure to save the tooth. If decay is very deep or a tooth has been fractured, it causes infection or inflammation of the nerve within the tooth. That results in pain, swelling or discomfort.  In severe cases, this infection can affect other parts of your body and threaten your health and wellness. If you are in pain, call us and we may be able to see you same day!

root canal treatments
periodontal care and teeth cleanings

Periodontal Care & Teeth Cleanings


Gum health is just as important as tooth health. In fact, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss!

If your gums are bleeding it’s time to get help. Periodontal disease is mainly caused by dental plaque and the bacteria that forms it. These bacteria form a sticky film that constantly coat your teeth; and if not properly removed by thorough brushing and flossing, can harden into rough calculus or tartar. If left untreated, it can lead to lose teeth and eventually removal of all teeth.  Don’t neglect your routine cleaning or deep periodontal cleaning and keep the foundation of your teeth strong.

Sure Smile Clear Aligners


We know you don’t want painful and annoying metal wires when it comes to straightening your teeth, especially when your teeth don’t need complex teeth movements.

SureSmile Aligner is a series of transparent, removable and virtually invisible clear aligners designed to progressively straighten your teeth into their ideal position. Most importantly, the SureSmile Aligner system gives you the peace of mind that your treatment plan is developed by a qualified dental professional who has invested in state-of-the-art equipment and software. It is true that a confident smile makes a confident person! Call us to know about our special offer!

sure smile clear aligners
night guards and retainers

Night Guards & Retainers


Stress, anxiety, malocclusion, jaw disorders, airway issues or sleep disorders cause many people grind or clench their teeth at night.

That is called bruxism. Grinding your teeth can cause damage to your teeth and restorations, jaw pain, headaches and other dental problems.  A night guard is recommended to protect the teeth and muscles while you are sleeping. There are many nightguards out there but the custom made night guard made in a dental lab can avoid many unwanted problems like TMJ issues and an altered bite which are common with commercial night guards. Ask yourself do you grind your teeth at night?

Children’s Dentistry


If your child’s teeth have erupted and they haven’t been to the dentist yet, it’s probably time to schedule an appointment.

When child patients come in, we show them how everything works and help educate them and their families. We screen children at a young age for missing teeth or extra teeth and any issues we see as potential future issues. The sooner we can identify the risk of any problems, the less invasive the treatment usually needs to be. We provide routine dental care as well as caps, fillings and extraction services to our little patients.

Children’s Dentistry
Surgical Extractions & Bone Grafts

surgical extractions & bone grafts


Sometimes teeth need to be removed due to trauma, disease, cavities, periodontal disease, infection, or severe crowding.  No one wants to lose a tooth but when it is unavoidable, our gentle dentist will make sure you are comfortable during the entire process.

Bone grafts or socket preservation procedures are often recommended once a tooth is extracted.  In most people, removal of the tooth results in shrinkage of the bone.  When considering future replacement options, such as implants, bridges or dentures, shrinkage of the bone can lead to compromised esthetics and function. Socket Preservation utilizes allograft, xenograft or artificial bone to help you maintain required bone in the surgical area. This leads to a more predicable result and an increased likelihood of success for your tooth replacement options.

wisdom teeth removal


Eruption of wisdom teeth is a major dental milestone and it may bring along some discomfort or some major problems.

Dull pain throughout the day, inability to open the mouth fully or outright swelling. These issues are caused when your wisdom tooth are impacted against the tooth in front of it. Antibiotics as well as timely removal of wisdom teeth is key in this situation. Even if they are not bothering you yet, they can very well cause problems in future. With our state of the art Cone Beam CT scan we can assess its exact position and remove them safely at out office.

Wisdom Teeth Removal
Oral Sedation

oral sedation


If you are someone who does not like to be on a dental chair, we truly want to calm down your anxiety so you can get the dental care you deserve.

We offer oral sedation for anxious patients after reviewing proper medical history. An anti-anxiety medication is prescribed which needs to be taken an hour before the procedure. While constantly monitoring your vital signs we finish the dental procedure more efficiently. Having said that you need someone to drive you home safely after. Oral sedation is offered to only adults currently.

fixed bridges


Missing tooth can lead to shifting of neighboring teeth, supra-eruption of opposing teeth making the overall bite uneven permanently.

Those shifted and tilted teeth leads to food lodgment, caries or gum infection. We all know that Implant should be first choice to replace a missing tooth but sometimes it can not be done due to medical conditions or simply unavailability of proper volume and shape of the bone where tooth has been missing. Fixed Bridges help in such cases to replace a missing tooth faster than ever.

Fixed Bridges
Dentures & Partials

dentures & partials


Sometimes teeth are just not there anymore, or teeth are bad enough that they need to be removed for sure.

Making denture is not just fabricating a set of false teeth. It involves educating the patient, training them and most importantly giving them motivation they need while they are trying to get used to it. Whether it is your very first set of dentures or a fourth one, we stand with you during each adjustment you may need. We only work with the best of labs to deliver the highest standards!

replacing missing teeth with implans


Missing teeth means missing chewing, missing proper speech and most importantly missing self-confidence!

With Dental implants you can have your fixed tooth/teeth once again in your mouth. Implants can help to replace one tooth, few teeth or all the teeth. It can be in the form of a crown, a bridge or a denture. With our state of art Cone Beam CT scan, the procedure is very accurate, long lasting and something you can be proud of! Call us for your free implant consultation.

Replacing Missing Teeth With Implans
Dental Emergencies

dental emergencies


Dental emergencies can ring the bell without any prior notice. It can stop you from doing your job, or simply enjoying your day.

Emergencies can be nonpainful like broken denture or a chipped tooth. But often its painful like a sharp toothache, an abscess or a fracture. Whatever you got, we always strive to diagnose and start treatment on the same day of your call. At least we aim to work on relieving your pain same day! We are open on Fridays and Saturdays as well.

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